Ficus Audrey Care Guide

Ficus Audrey

Family: Moraceae

Genus: Ficus

Botanical Name: Ficus benghalensis

Difficulty: Easy once you figure out their needs


Keep your plant in bright indirect light to keep them happy. They can survive in darker conditions but this will stunt their growth a little.


During the growing season you should let the top inch of soil grow out before watering. During the winter month you should let the soil dry out before lightly watering.


Your plant will thrive in moderate humidity. The more on the higher side humidity levels are, the better your plant will grow. They also love higher temperatures in the 60-75°F range.


Keep them in a rich, well-draining potting mix that contains added perlite.

Pests and Diseases

They aren’t very prone to pests and diseases, but during the winter months they may be susceptible to things like mealybugs and spider mites that are attracted to an over or under watered plant.


  • Keep their environment pretty for a happy plant because they can be drama queens about sudden changes.

  • Let them be root-bound for a bit.

  • They don’t tolerate over watering.

  • Like the fiddle leaf fig, they really don’t like direct sunlight or drafty areas.

Signs your plant is unhappy

  • Droopy leaves: under watered

  • Yellow leaves with brown patches: over watered

  • Older leaves turning yellow and dropping: self-pruning

  • Brown edges: dry air

  • Crunchy leaves: too much sun or low humidity

How to propagate

Using a sharp pair of scissors, take a cutting at the base of a stem with healthy leaves, and make sure there is at least half an inch between the base of the cutting and the lowest leaf. Place the stem in a container of water and wait for roots to grow! Keep it in a very warm and humid environment until it has started to show new growth. Once the roots have reached two inches and it is producing new leaves, you can pot them into a pot prepared with a damp potting mix.

Fun Facts

  • It’s cousin to the fiddle leaf fig.

  • They’re a great plant for someone who loves fiddle leaf figs but can’t keep them alive.

  • They’re considered to be a sacred tree in India.

Hardiness Zones

Before you move your plant outside, be sure to check the hardiness zone to save yourself some grief and the loss of a beloved plant.

The hardiness zones for Ficus Audrey are: 10-12

If you live in Tennessee, here’s a hardiness map to help you decide if your plant can survive outside!


4 Ways to increase humidity for a happy plant


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