Jade Plant Care Guide

Family: Crassulaceae

Genus: Crassula

Botanical Name: Crassula ovuta

Difficulty: Easy to care for


Mature plants can handle more direct sunlight than younger plants. Either way, they will both need a substantial amount of sunlight.


Jade plants are very susceptible to root rot from overwatering, so allow the soil to completely dry out before watering them thoroughly in both growing and dormant seasons.


Keep your jade plant away from drafts


You can just go with a well-draining cactus and succulent mix to pot your jade plant. They need soil with quick drainage.

Pests and Diseases

Jade plants are prone to root rot and fungal disease as a result of poor drainage. They can attract mealy bugs or scale, and occasionally mildew.


  • Jade plants are very susceptible to cold damage.

  • Plant them in a wide, sturdy pot so they have room to grow because they do tend to get top-heavy.

  • Mature plants need at least 4 hours of direct sunlight a day.

  • If the leaves are outlined in red, your plant is happy!

Signs your jade plant isn’t happy

  • Shriveling leaves or brown spots: needs water

  • Squishy leaves: too much water

  • Leaf drop: too much water.

How to propagate

You can propagate a jade plant from the stem or leaf cutting of a healthy, mature plant. You should let them callous over the cut area before attempting to pot them. If you’re using a leaf cutting, lay them on top of the soil and cover the end with soil. If you’re using a stem cutting, stick the end of the stem in the soil and prop it up with a few rocks. Keep them in bright indirect light and leave them alone until it has started to root.

Fun Facts

  • More mature jade plants can look like mini trees!

  • They can be grown outdoors in milder climates.

  • They can produce white or pink star-shaped flowers that bloom during the winter and spring.

  • Their flowers smell like scented soap.

Hardiness Zones

Before you move your plant outside, be sure to check the hardiness zone to save yourself some grief and the loss of a beloved plant.

The hardiness zone for jade plants is : 10-11

If you live in Tennessee, here’s a hardiness map to help you decide if your plant can survive outside!


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