Pet Friendly Plants

One thing about being a parent to plants and pets is the constant paranoia that your pet is going to eat your plants. They’re always snacking on things they shouldn’t be, and for some reason they love to snack on our houseplants! It may seem harmless for them to do so, but many plants can be very dangerous to pets once ingested. For those of you who have pets, we’ve taken the time and done the research on pet friendly plants so you don’t have to!

Spider Plant

This beginner-friendly plant likes bright indirect sunlight and will be happy in the corner of a bright room, but it can tolerate a variety of low-light conditions. You should let the top half of the soil dry before watering them. They like a little bit of added humidity but will be okay without it.

Rattlesnake Plant

This plant will challenge you and make you question yourself as a plant mom, BUT you shouldn’t let that discourage you. Once you figure out what they like, they can be a great addition to your plant collection. They like bright, indirect to medium low-light conditions. This just means they prefer a shadier, but not completely shaded area. They like warm humid climates (at least 50% humidity) and for the soil to be kept slightly damp in the warmer months.

Chinese Money Plant

This guy loves bright indirect sunlight and will not tolerate direct sunlight. Their watering needs can vary based on air conditions, but a good rule of thumb is to allow the top 2”-3” of soil to dry before watering them. They like drier environments and don’t require any added humidity, so they do really well as houseplants!

Money Tree

Money Trees are a very easy to care for plant. They can actually tolerate low light to bright indirect light. You don’t have to water them until the top 50%-75% of the soil is dry. They do like a little added humidity, so if you really want them to thrive you can place a pebble tray under the pot or keep them near a humidifier.

Bird’s Nest Fern

These guys love humidity, warmth,and moisture. They’re a great low light plant, and they even do well in shade and filtered sunlight. They need a well-draining soil and should be watered when the top inch of soil dries.


Peperomia love bright medium light and will even do well in lower light. They need to be watered (generally) every 1-2 weeks. Remember that this can vary with different lighting conditions. More light = more watering. They love a well-draining soil that is kept a little damp, but not soggy. They thrive in humid environments, but they can tolerate lower humidity levels.


Lighting 101


4 Ways to increase humidity for a happy plant