Split Leaf Philodendron Care Guide


Family: Araceae

Genus: Philodendron

Botanical Name: Philodendron selloum or bipinnatifidum

Difficulty: low-maintenance


Keep your split leaf in bright, indirect light. A good way to ensure your plant won’t get too hot is to keep them three feet away from a south or east-facing window in your house.


Keep their soil moist but not soaked. Wait for the top two inches of soil to dry out before watering. As you should with most plants, water your split leaf thoroughly until water begins to come through the drainage holes.


They love at least 40% humidity and warmer temperatures. They’re the perfect option for a house plant because household temperatures between 65°- 85°F are comfortable for them.


Pot them in a loose, well-draining mix that is rich in nutrients. They love perlite, peat-moss, and standard houseplant mixes.

Pests and Diseases

As with many other large-leafed house plants, your split leaf is susceptible to spider mites, mealybugs, and aphids.


  • Keep the leaves dry to avoid blight.

  • Go up a pot size by 1”-2” once your plant’s roots have filled its pot.

  • Wear gloves when pruning your split leaf because they do contain sap.

  • They are very easy to propagate in water.

Signs your split leaf is unhappy

  • Super droopy leaves: too much sun

  • Yellow leaves or slowed growth: lacks nutrition (fertilize)

  • Darker green leaves: low light

  • Fading color: too much light

  • Dark green spots: bacterial blight

How to propagate

Cut a stem from the lowest layer and cut right below the node at the lowest part of the stem. They are very easy to propagate in water. You just place them in a tall glass that will support the leaf, fill it with water, and let it sit until the water needs to be changed. Once the roots grow two inches or more, you can repot your split leaf into slightly damp potting soil.

Fun Facts

  • Some split leaf philodendrons have bright pink veins.

  • Your split leaf philodendron is not a Monstera deliciosa.

Hardiness Zones

Before you move your plant outside, be sure to check the hardiness zone to save yourself some grief and the loss of a beloved plant.

The hardiness zones for split leaf philodendron are : 8b-11

If you live in Tennessee, here’s a hardiness map to help you decide if your plant can survive outside!


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